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Proper Introduction
I've been playing pokemon since Gen 1. I always thought of myself as a good trainer/battler… until I went online and got rekt by everyone. So I decided to indulge myself into the wonderful world of IV breeding, EV training and online battling. Two weeks ago I came across a video of this guy called Justin Flynn explaining the "Time Machine Method". I thought he was a cool guy and went on to watch more of his videos. And now here I am. Trying to be the very best like no one ever was and hooked on Oh Nickel (hence the title of this thread).

I'm pretty new to the battling scene so I'll be probably posting some noob threads with noob questions. Also, I heard Justin has some health issues. I hope he will feel better soon and starts streaming again cause I can't wait for more of those epic shiny sundays.

That's all for now. Looking forward to getting to know you all!

P.S.: I apologize in advance for any grammar errors. My native language is Dutch… so… yeah.
Welcome, nice introduction Wink
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
He wants a Proper introduction. Mabey all it takes is a BaseBall Bat XD
Oi Ricardo welcome to the community. Nice English btw KappaHD
[Insert signature here]
Cheers, welcome aboard.
Welcome to the community :D That was a perfectly fine introduction. A proper introduction, if you will KappaHD
Hello and welcome to the community! :D
I'm Umbreon, the nocturnal member of #TeamForum
Those well-practiced in the art of deceit may find themselves welcome to join me on Town of Salem...
Thanks everyone Smile!

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