Sep 3, 2015, 01:36 PM
So hi guys i am back with another team (this is something i am getting success with alot in the past few days or so. the team has a mega sableye *YAAAY* yeah i know some of the readers left at this point, but congrats if you stay and if you read my intros too though
so without further ado let's jump into this crazy team:
![[Image: 302-m.png]](
Sableye-Mega @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 SpD
Calm Nature
- Snarl
- Will-O-Wisp
- Toxic
- Sunny Day
So mega sableye started as soon as i heard some people saying that it gives up the most important ability *prankster* and acquires some of the most useless abilities in the game. well! at that very moment i was inspired by my own stupid mind to pull together a team with mega sableye. Dont get me wrong here, sableye isn't the star of the team, i just glues together a team around it well, in means of support.
Sableye is an understated pokemon and even worse as it's mega is a troll literally and it is completely considered a joke. well there were some things that inspired me to use mega sableye, so without boring u guys to death leat's get started on what this sableye contributes to my team:
. Bounces back thundurus taunts, or from any other one's even any status moves (spore, dark void and anything threatening to think of, by surprise ( it actually is good)
. provides the best weather disruption (for heatran and salamence, against rain)
. Shuts down any attackers with snarl and W-o-W.
. Walls mega kang more than perfect. (the most popular)
Ok i think mega sableye is quite explained much here. the spread is supposed to be for a standard sableye in the meta, for some games were i avoided m-evolving it and brought it as a secondary option for back up support.
![[Image: heatran.gif]](
Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Heat Wave
- Overheat
- Flash Cannon
- Earth Power
Next comes the pokemon i wanted to try out with m-sableye. sableye can support to to it's fullest potential. b activating the sun and the using it's will-o-wisp to activate the amazing flash fire it has and then walls others from OHKO'ing it, heatran sure did took alot of games through this simple tactic.
Heatran's stats and EV'ing have always gave me problems against mirror-matches and the speed it reached, so i gave it a scarf to outspeed most of the metagame. i don't have any Hp-ice on it cuz swampert is the boss of em all.
![[Image: staraptor.gif]](
Staraptor @ Life Orb
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Protect
- Tailwind
- Double-Edge
Next up is a pokemon inspired from one of my favorites on the pokemon scene Ashton Cox, surprisingly it should've lost viability but it was present on Ashton's both VGC14 and VGC15 Worlds team , so i wanted to give it a try. it formed a reasonably good synergy around heatran and sableye. you guys can't imagine the power of this mon. Ashton had a CB on his mon but i went for life orb as it suited my playstyle much better and gave me options against multiple opponents out on the field. *the end to all rotoms*
I am in this sorta love-hate relationship with this mon on the team right now, i had close combat but it adds to it's ridiculous defenses, but can't add a sash cuz it's always using a recoil move. tailwind isn't something i wanted, though it really helps swampert, but icy wind is something i wanted and it fits the team better.
![[Image: 373-m.png]](
Salamence-Mega @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Protect
- Double-Edge
- Dragon Dance
Mega salamence is a pokemon that is just a throw on. i wanted a secondary mega mon, cuz a support mega 100% isn't so the idea for any team i think. salamence surprisingly doesn't makes it to any matches, nor did it had any success in many matches. i choose it to deal heavy damage, sableye provided fairly good support, DD wasn't getting used at all and i wanted to change it for EQ.
![[Image: swampert.gif]](
Swampert @ Rindo Berry
Ability: Torrent
Level: 50
EVs: 204 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
- Ice Beam
- Wide Guard
- Scald
- Earth Power
Thanks alot to Aaron Zheng for showing me the power of this pokemon, it does alot against the metagame. It stops the geni's at an instance, deals with aegislash and heatran, walls stuff and much more, is m-salamence a thing now? not much to say and lazy EV'ing and need improvement on that on my end especially any good suggestions for it? it also shuts down fairies and more spread moves that every team carries in some form i don't have regrets from it other than i think i could use a bit of speed on it or get a nice bulky spread. absorbs electric types, ice types and water from the quartz mentioned above.
![[Image: ferrothorn.gif]](
Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Power Whip
- Thunder Wave
- Protect
- Iron Head
Ferrothorn is a last minute addition. i used it as it was good against rain modes and spread T-wave speed control which pays off in alot of matches if my opponents don't have a way to stop it with fire types. it also counts as a fair counter to the move fake out and Kangaskhan,ui do miss myself some leech seeds
but t-wave was way more useful in matches. using it for the first time so just 252/252/4'd the EV's. iron head was for more consistent and better damage to slower t-tar, tr garde and sylveon. gives offense against TR
Closing thoughts:
i idk why i don't have much to say about this team as the EV spreads need to be suggested "u can blame me cuz i am lazy" plz don't leave me with plz read this post before posting and RMT i think this brief was enough for the rating, i may update this post soon in more detail and add vids. Hope u liked it. Bye for now!

![[Image: 302-m.png]](
Sableye-Mega @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 SpD
Calm Nature
- Snarl
- Will-O-Wisp
- Toxic
- Sunny Day
So mega sableye started as soon as i heard some people saying that it gives up the most important ability *prankster* and acquires some of the most useless abilities in the game. well! at that very moment i was inspired by my own stupid mind to pull together a team with mega sableye. Dont get me wrong here, sableye isn't the star of the team, i just glues together a team around it well, in means of support.
Sableye is an understated pokemon and even worse as it's mega is a troll literally and it is completely considered a joke. well there were some things that inspired me to use mega sableye, so without boring u guys to death leat's get started on what this sableye contributes to my team:
. Bounces back thundurus taunts, or from any other one's even any status moves (spore, dark void and anything threatening to think of, by surprise ( it actually is good)
. provides the best weather disruption (for heatran and salamence, against rain)
. Shuts down any attackers with snarl and W-o-W.
. Walls mega kang more than perfect. (the most popular)
Ok i think mega sableye is quite explained much here. the spread is supposed to be for a standard sableye in the meta, for some games were i avoided m-evolving it and brought it as a secondary option for back up support.
![[Image: heatran.gif]](
Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Heat Wave
- Overheat
- Flash Cannon
- Earth Power
Next comes the pokemon i wanted to try out with m-sableye. sableye can support to to it's fullest potential. b activating the sun and the using it's will-o-wisp to activate the amazing flash fire it has and then walls others from OHKO'ing it, heatran sure did took alot of games through this simple tactic.
Heatran's stats and EV'ing have always gave me problems against mirror-matches and the speed it reached, so i gave it a scarf to outspeed most of the metagame. i don't have any Hp-ice on it cuz swampert is the boss of em all.
![[Image: staraptor.gif]](
Staraptor @ Life Orb
Ability: Reckless
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Protect
- Tailwind
- Double-Edge
Next up is a pokemon inspired from one of my favorites on the pokemon scene Ashton Cox, surprisingly it should've lost viability but it was present on Ashton's both VGC14 and VGC15 Worlds team , so i wanted to give it a try. it formed a reasonably good synergy around heatran and sableye. you guys can't imagine the power of this mon. Ashton had a CB on his mon but i went for life orb as it suited my playstyle much better and gave me options against multiple opponents out on the field. *the end to all rotoms*
I am in this sorta love-hate relationship with this mon on the team right now, i had close combat but it adds to it's ridiculous defenses, but can't add a sash cuz it's always using a recoil move. tailwind isn't something i wanted, though it really helps swampert, but icy wind is something i wanted and it fits the team better.
![[Image: 373-m.png]](
Salamence-Mega @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Protect
- Double-Edge
- Dragon Dance
Mega salamence is a pokemon that is just a throw on. i wanted a secondary mega mon, cuz a support mega 100% isn't so the idea for any team i think. salamence surprisingly doesn't makes it to any matches, nor did it had any success in many matches. i choose it to deal heavy damage, sableye provided fairly good support, DD wasn't getting used at all and i wanted to change it for EQ.
![[Image: swampert.gif]](
Swampert @ Rindo Berry
Ability: Torrent
Level: 50
EVs: 204 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 44 Spe
Modest Nature
- Ice Beam
- Wide Guard
- Scald
- Earth Power
Thanks alot to Aaron Zheng for showing me the power of this pokemon, it does alot against the metagame. It stops the geni's at an instance, deals with aegislash and heatran, walls stuff and much more, is m-salamence a thing now? not much to say and lazy EV'ing and need improvement on that on my end especially any good suggestions for it? it also shuts down fairies and more spread moves that every team carries in some form i don't have regrets from it other than i think i could use a bit of speed on it or get a nice bulky spread. absorbs electric types, ice types and water from the quartz mentioned above.
![[Image: ferrothorn.gif]](
Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Power Whip
- Thunder Wave
- Protect
- Iron Head
Ferrothorn is a last minute addition. i used it as it was good against rain modes and spread T-wave speed control which pays off in alot of matches if my opponents don't have a way to stop it with fire types. it also counts as a fair counter to the move fake out and Kangaskhan,ui do miss myself some leech seeds

Closing thoughts:
i idk why i don't have much to say about this team as the EV spreads need to be suggested "u can blame me cuz i am lazy" plz don't leave me with plz read this post before posting and RMT i think this brief was enough for the rating, i may update this post soon in more detail and add vids. Hope u liked it. Bye for now!