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[GIVEAWAY] (CLosed)Free-VGC-Br Legends/Free Shiny Br poke/DittoIVS//StartersHA

Poke: bidoof
Name bidoof
Gender female
Message BANANA
Thanks for thunderous !!!!

Requesting LANDORUS with master ball please

Name: Agent Antz
deposited: makuhita
Gender: male
Level: 10
Message: Angel

Thanks again... These battle ready pokes are really helping out with competing with the big boys
At these speeds i might do my last before i battle my friends, Last request, Crobat Please Big Grin

Name: Liam
deposited: Tyrogue
Gender: male
Level: 21
Message: AetherOnly
request for Thundurus item choice specs

Name: Shiro
Pokemon deposited: Wingull(FRE)
Gender: female
Level: 5
Message: Angel

another request for my alpha saf
requested pokemon: Sceptile ability overgrow item choice specs
Name: Sora
Pokemon deposited: litwick
Gender: female
Level: 1
Message: Angel
Hi, can I get a Umbreon? ^^

IGN: Gaston
Pokemon deposited: Yamask
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Message on GTS: Angel
id appreciate the Togekiss please and thankyou

IGN: Hatred
Pokemon deposited: Ledyba
Gender: female
Level: 8
Message on GTS: Angel
2nd request
request for TogeKiss item Life Orb

Name: Shiro
Pokemon deposited: Gourgeist (JPN)
Gender: male
Level: 1
Message: Angel

another request for my alpha saf
requested pokemon: Gallade Choice Band
Name: Sora
Pokemon deposited: Purugly
Gender: female
Level: 38
Message: Angel

(Oct 26, 2015, 07:50 AM)Asha Wrote: name: Evelyn
Pokemon deposited: clefairy
Level of Pokemon: 20 male
Message on GTS: Angel

for this thunderous please

Held Item:Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 44 SpA / 68 SpD / 28 Spe
Calm Nature
Moveset:Thunder Wave-Thunderbolt-Taunt-Hidden Power Ice

(Oct 26, 2015, 02:59 PM)bun Wrote: last one for today
articuno please - lucky egg - shiny if posible

name - bun
poke - chimchar
sex - male
lvl - 1
msg - thx!

The legendary Bird trio are Shiny locked in Xy-ORAS, they can only normal be found, if you see some with the Blue pentagon shiny Trio bird, then it has high chance to be a hacked one. They can only be found shiny legit from older generation. Updated a little bit more info about ''Shiny lock'' on the first page.
IGN: Blythe
POkemon Deposited: sneasel
Gender: male
Level: 1
Message: Angel

would love male meowstic!

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