Poll: Next giveaway?
This poll is closed.
BR drizzle Politoad
33 48.53%
BR Landorus
35 51.47%
Total 68 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

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[GIVEAWAY] CLOSED : Hundred Pokemon Giveaway #3
IGN: Dara
Game: Alpha Sapphire
Pokémon Deposited: Togetic
Gender: female
Level: 35
Message: 100 GA unit
IGN - Renom
Game your using - y
Pokémon - growlithe
Gender - male
Level - 1
Message: 100 GA unit
IGN: Andrew
GAme: Alpha Sapphire
Pokemon deposited: Shinx
Gender: Female
Level: 26
Message on GTS: 100 GA unit

Thanks again you are awesome
IGN : Aza
Game : Omega Ruby
Pokémon : Aerodactyl
Gender : Male
Level : 20
GTS Message : 100 GA unit
IGN : Gato
Game : Omega Ruby
Pokémon : Elgyem
Gender : female
Level : 1
GTS Message : 100 GA unit
IGN: Brendan
Game: Alpha Sapphire
Pokémon: Trapinch
Gender: Female
Level: 22
Message: 100 GA unit
ING- Sam (male)
Message-100 GA unit

IGN: Red
Game: Omega Ruby
Pokémon deposited: Steelix
Gender: Female
Level: 34
Message: 100 GA unit!!
Update: Everything has been sent and PM's will be sent to people who's deposits have been snipped. Currently there are 12 left sorry hurry before its too late and the next giveaway is about to begin.
A legend fallen from grace.
IGN: Colin
Game: OR
Pokemon Deposited: Meditite
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Message: 100 GA unit

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