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Looking for some Pokemon for my team
(Nov 22, 2015, 03:50 PM)Chocolatte_Banane_Pokemon Wrote:
(Nov 22, 2015, 01:11 PM)Da BossMan + Wrote:
(Nov 22, 2015, 12:52 PM)Chocolatte_Banane_Pokemon Wrote: I had Scizor. Yours is good trained, but make him forget roost and teack him X-scisor. He is very, very resistant and hits hard, but he is very weak to fire. Forget roost. If you are fightning a fire type, just change that pokemon or use the other. The doubles are for protecting the other pokemon´s weakness.

I might try it. Only catch is that scizor will lose all its longevity in the battle for it. I have used roost on it so much lol. But i'll see how the x-scissor works out Smile Do you still have that scizor also?

Nope. I changed him for  shiny Lucario. Then, I changed him for my precios competitive 6IV´s fully EV trained in attack, hp and speed, Jolly Tyranytar
Darnit lol
Dude, do you clone or know somebody of trust that clones pokemon? Its because I want to build a snow team and I need that Abomasnow. I have some interesting pokes
(Nov 22, 2015, 07:45 PM)Chocolatte_Banane_Pokemon Wrote: Dude, do you clone or know somebody of trust that clones pokemon? Its because I want to build a snow team and I need that Abomasnow. I have some interesting pokes

Nah i don't clone. Sorry about that, if you find one though do let me know :D PS its OBAMAsnow lol

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