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[GIVEAWAY] Hundred Pokemon Giveaway #5 Closed
Edit: pokemon got sniped again :/

Game: AS
Pokémon deposited: Yamask
Gender: male
Level 1
Message: 100 GA unit
IGN - Aza
Game - Omega Ruby
Pkemon deposited - Forretress
Gender - Male
Level - 38
Message: 100 GA unit
IGN: Tadici
Game: AS
Pokémon Deposited: Minun
Level of Pokémon: 21
Gender of Pokémon: Female
Message: 100 GA Unit

Got sniped.

Pokémon Deposited: Plusle
Level of Pokémon: 21
Gender of Pokémon: Male
Message: 100 GA Unit
IGN: moo311
Game your using: Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Pokémon you're depositing: Ditto
Gender: None
Level: 36
Message: 100 GA unit
IGN: Eddy
Game: Omega Ruby
Pokémon Deposited: Persian
Level of Pokémon: 38
Gender of Pokémon: Male
Message: 100 GA Unit

Thanks a lot =)
GN -Ronnie
Game - Omega ruby
deposit - Archeops
Gender - male
Level - 37
Message: 100 GA unit

thank you Smile
Game - AS
deposit - zigzagoon
Gender - female
Level - 2
Message: 100 GA unit
Pokemon got Sniped! Luckily had another of the same Pokemon to deposit!

Pokémon depositing: Dragonair
Gender : Female
Level: 30
Message: 100 GA unit
IGN: Spawn
(Dec 18, 2015, 05:06 PM)Craftsman42 Wrote: Can I get one please?

IGN: Chris
Pokemon Deposited: Larvesta
Level: 1
Gender: Female
Message: 100 GA unit

Thanks in advance.

I suspect mine was sniped, so I put another Larvesta up with the same conditions.
Pokemon Deposited:Zebstrika
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around

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