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[LOOKING FOR] HA Venipede - Speed Boost
Hi! I’m looking for a HA Venipede or any of the evolution line. I have a few shinies I wanna give for it or a lot of other different HA mons to offer in return Smile
I've got tons. I can get you one with 5 IVs (all but sp.atk), egg moves, and it's in a luxury ball. No need for anything in return, it's just a breedject
@moo311 That would be awesome! Just Let me know whenever you’re available to trade. I’ll be around all day!
@TheShinyMothim I might be out for most of the day. If you don't see me online, just put up a pokemon on gts and request a level 1 veinpede
@It seems like I missed you! I’ll put a Lv 55 Staryu on the gts as soon as I receive my mon from the 0mega giveaway Smile i’ll post again here once I’ve deposited the Staryu.
Lv 55 Staryu is deposited. Asking a Lv 1 Venipede.
@TheShinyMothim I don't see it Sad Maybe deposit a more common pokemon like yungoos
@moo311 Sure! I’ll go and find sth else. 

EDIT: Deposited lv 14 Mudbray. IGN Lucas
Enjoy Smile

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