Dec 31, 2015, 01:01 PM
(Dec 31, 2015, 11:28 AM)TheBullet435 Wrote: Hi
I am in need of a Timid charmander and Adamant Scyther. They do not need perfect IVs or anything. I don't have much to trade except a HA Gible and HA Slowpoke and some other random pokes. If you have one and are willing to trade please reply to this post.
I have an adamant Scyther and a timid Charmander I can give you. How shall we trade? GTS?
in return, It doesn't matter what you give me. If you have a Solosis/duosion/reuniclus with the regenerator ability I would love to have it but if you not have one, That's okay. Helping people is enough of a reward :)