This team is, off the bat, extremely weak to entry hazards and you have no defogger or spinner on your team. All the walls on your team are Fire type meaning that Water/Ground/Rock coverage puts immediate pressure on your team. Your team is super weak to Keldeo, Starmie, Alakazam, Hoopa-U, Landorus-T, Tornadus-T, and many more. It's a really long list.
Arcanine isn't OU plus you really don't need it on this team with the other Fire types present. I would suggest running Landorus-Therian so you can have an extra immunity to Ground and one to Electric as well as have a check for Sand Excadrill, Tyranitar, Charizard-X, M-Altaria among others. Run the defensive Smogon set with Leftovers
Thunderbolt isn't necessary on Gengar and doesn't much more than Sludge Wave plus it is easier to check Thunderbolt than it is to check Sludge Wave. Life Orb is better here to give Gengar more firepower
You don't have a Heatran check or safe switch in on your team right now. Oh yeah, this variant of Heatran that you have now doesn't help your team that much either. A specially defensive Heatran gives you an extra switch in for Pokemon like M-Manectric, Alakazam, Lati@s, Rotom-W, Raikou etc.
Anyways, Azumarill doesn't have a fun time switching in on Heatran with it being a physical attacker that's slower than most Heatran and is open for burns. Not only that, you have no Fighting coverage or effective sweeper/revenge killer outside of Talonflame and Gengar nor do you have any wallbreakers. Now you can either run banded Azumarill or run Keldeo. Note that banded Azumarill still struggles with Hippowdon and you don't have many easy options for it.
This Talonflame set doesn't fit this team and Me First isn't a good option for a moveset.
Wrong Scizor set for this team as well.
Also, you don't have a Mega Evolution on your team.
Here are the changes I suggest
Have fun
Edit :- After doing a test run with the suggested team, it appears that you have a huge weakness to Starmie. To mitigate this, you may want to run a Choice scarfed Landorus-T over the defensive variant with Knock Off
Arcanine isn't OU plus you really don't need it on this team with the other Fire types present. I would suggest running Landorus-Therian so you can have an extra immunity to Ground and one to Electric as well as have a check for Sand Excadrill, Tyranitar, Charizard-X, M-Altaria among others. Run the defensive Smogon set with Leftovers
Thunderbolt isn't necessary on Gengar and doesn't much more than Sludge Wave plus it is easier to check Thunderbolt than it is to check Sludge Wave. Life Orb is better here to give Gengar more firepower
You don't have a Heatran check or safe switch in on your team right now. Oh yeah, this variant of Heatran that you have now doesn't help your team that much either. A specially defensive Heatran gives you an extra switch in for Pokemon like M-Manectric, Alakazam, Lati@s, Rotom-W, Raikou etc.
Anyways, Azumarill doesn't have a fun time switching in on Heatran with it being a physical attacker that's slower than most Heatran and is open for burns. Not only that, you have no Fighting coverage or effective sweeper/revenge killer outside of Talonflame and Gengar nor do you have any wallbreakers. Now you can either run banded Azumarill or run Keldeo. Note that banded Azumarill still struggles with Hippowdon and you don't have many easy options for it.
This Talonflame set doesn't fit this team and Me First isn't a good option for a moveset.
Wrong Scizor set for this team as well.
Also, you don't have a Mega Evolution on your team.
Here are the changes I suggest
Have fun
Edit :- After doing a test run with the suggested team, it appears that you have a huge weakness to Starmie. To mitigate this, you may want to run a Choice scarfed Landorus-T over the defensive variant with Knock Off
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