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So what pokemon do you think will be near you?
i never thought about rocks as fossils weirdly enough, as for me i have one park that's mostly trees as it has some hiking area with flat grass lands and some rocks, another park that's nothing really special i think if memory serves right big flat grass land with some rocks and play area, a third park close to that that is alot bigger openness of grass but that has a more dirt road traveling area, so from those i definitely see things from bug pokemon to most likely some normal and prob a few ground types most likely, as flying pokemon are either going to be common or are in specific areas we never thought about, like pelicans maybe only at beaches for example. i Do have a big hiking area near me some what i can go to that and probably get some fossil and ground types and probably even rock types too my problem is water types, i guess ill have to go out of my way one day and go to a beach or something and just look for pokemon. i will say it amazes me how many believe they will be the lucky ones and have all the legendary pokemon near them when honestly even if lucky i think legendary pokemon will be saved for events and raids most likely, although i got to admit it be fun to have pokemon go give us an actually good puzzle that we trainers will have to decode to learn a location of a legendary near us, as i can imagine the surprise of finding one after all that time and effort.

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RE: So what pokemon do you think will be near you? - by sephir66 - Feb 25, 2016, 12:55 AM

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