Mar 12, 2016, 01:52 PM
(This post was last modified: Mar 30, 2016, 02:16 AM by Excalibur0126.)
Probopass - Evolve Nosepass
Delcatty - Evolve Skitty
Crobat - Evolve Golbat
Minun - (X)Route 5; (AS)Route 110 (Horde Encounter)
Illumise - (X)Route 7, Friend Safari (Bug); (AS)Route 117
Roserade - Evolve Roselia
Gulpin - (X)Route 5; (AS)Route 110
Camerupt - (X)Friend Safari (Ground); (AS)From a Team Magma Grunt at the Battle Resort
Torkoal - (X)Route 18; (AS)Fiery Path
Weezing - (AS)Evolve Koffing
Zangoose - (X)Route 8
Solrock - (X)Glittering Cave
Barboach - (X)Route 14, Route 19 (Good Rod); (AS)Routes 111, 114, 120, Meteor Falls, Victory Road (Good Rod or Super Rod)
Baltoy - (AS)Route 111
Anorith - (X)Revive from Claw Fossil at the Ambrette Town Fossil Lab; (AS)Revive from Claw Fossil at Rustboro City's Devon Corporation
Igglybuff - Breed Jigglypuff or Wigglytuff
Chingling - (X)Route 111, Reflection Cave; (AS)Breed Chimecho holding a Pure Incense
Dusknoir - Evolve Dusclops
Phanpy - (X)Friend Safari (Ground); (AS)Breed Donphan
Rhyperior - Evolve Rhydon
Glalie - Evolve Snorunt; (AS)Event: transfer from Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Version (International)
Spheal - (X)Friend Safari (Ice); (AS)Shoal Cave
Huntail - (X)Route 12 (Super Rod); (AS)Evolve Clamperl
Gorebyss - Evolve Clamperl
Wynaut - (X)Breed Wobbuffet holding a Lax Incense; (AS)Hatch Egg received from an old couple in Lavaridge Town
Horsea - (X)Ambrette Town, Cyllage City (Good Rod); (AS)Routes 130, 131, 132, 133, and 134, Sealed Chamber (Super Rod)
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.