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Competitive Team Ideas
It seems like you're a little bit confused as to where you stand with the competitive scene at the moment, my best advice for you is to watch a few streams and youtube videos of competitive battles, because you'll need to see what you like. There's no specific way to set up your team, however generally you dont want to go all the same types/all physical attacking, etc, you need a bit of versatility in there, but you definitely need to just browse through this side of the forums and some videos first. We can't really decide a team for you without any ideas coming into it, so have a look at what Pokemon etc you like to use too, and see if you'd like them in your team.
Another suggestion I can make is to download Pokemon Showdown, make a random team on there and battle a few people, you'll then be able to see their teams and what their Pokemon do and can try and create a team similar to theirs if you like it Smile

Messages In This Thread
Competitive Team Ideas - by TyFerris - Dec 8, 2014, 01:24 PM
RE: Competitive Team Ideas - by TheGamingKiddo - Dec 8, 2014, 01:37 PM
RE: Competitive Team Ideas - by evilsabre - Dec 8, 2014, 02:10 PM
RE: Competitive Team Ideas - by tygaa2 - Dec 8, 2014, 02:35 PM

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