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What's that, in the distance...
Could it be... a stream? A forum stream? Why, I didn't know we still did those. BUT NAY, WE DO!
But first, a poem.

Amazing, our little group
PK is the only who is lame.
Reed is my name
I don't understand this Pokemon game
Lizards and birds and even a bear
Far too many creatures about which I don't care
Only one Pokemon is worth of my love
Our king Glalie, sent from heaven above
Lovely is he, both cold and hot
Shiny or regular, I care not

Place: This place
Date: sometime
Game: I dunno
Streamer: me probably

yes there will be actual streams on the forum channel
follow me @ here too
RIP Miranda Cosgrove 1975-2017

Messages In This Thread
What's that, in the distance... - by Reed - Apr 1, 2016, 12:15 AM

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