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You have a nice team here but I see a few flaws. One of the major flaws is that you have no means of stopping set up sweepers. Sweepers such as NastyPass/SwordsPass Celebi, Calm Mind Sylveon and Lucario(physical/special) will be giving this team a hard time not to mention well played wallbreakers like Mamoswine and offensive CM Suicune.

I wouldn't recommend running Banded Snorlax alongside a Choice Scarf Mence. Reason being you're forcing both to constantly switch. Provided that you don't have any hazard removal plus WishPassing isn't always reliable, the opponent can passively weaken your team to the point where a strong sweeper can pick off each Pokemon one by one

Switch Salamence for M-Sceptile. Sceptile takes on water types relatively well plus its dual STAB combination allow it to hit most of the tier for neutral. Plus it is the third fastest non boosted sweeper in the tier. Sceptile also gives you an immunity to Electric attacks.

Foretress would work better over Azelf as a hazard setter for it can set rocks and layers of spikes, spin them away and provide a slow pivoting option in Volt Switch. The slow pivoting allows you to safely bring in Salamence, Snorlax and Infernape.

Lastly, I would suggest running an Offensive variant of Suicune instead of Doublade to punch holes in teams more effectively to open way for Infernape/Snorlax/M-Sceptile to sweep

Quick Edit: If Suicune doesn't work out, try running a defensive Gyarados with Thunder Wave to slow down threats that outspeed your other mons

Messages In This Thread
UU RMT! - by croissant - Jun 5, 2016, 07:59 PM
RE: UU RMT! - by croissant - Jun 6, 2016, 03:02 PM
RE: UU RMT! - by Johnnyspyguy - Jun 6, 2016, 04:09 PM
RE: UU RMT! - by croissant - Jun 6, 2016, 05:40 PM
RE: UU RMT! - by Marcusube - Jun 6, 2016, 09:37 PM
RE: UU RMT! - by croissant - Jun 7, 2016, 05:05 AM
RE: UU RMT! - by Marcusube - Jun 7, 2016, 07:26 AM

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