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[REQUEST] Need help with Porygon>Porygon2>Porygon-Z evolution
If u need to trade evolve i did this if u have 2 gen 6 games in one of ur games put up a crappy pokemon on the gts like a zizagoon for (x) pokemon dont worry no one will take it and then go to ur other game that has the pokemon u need to trade evolve and go on the gts and look up the pokemon u put in the other game and it should appear first and trade it to the request u put on ur other game and then go to the other game and it should evolve and if u have pokebank u could transfer it to which game u want and if u dont do the same thing to trade the evolved pokemon to the game u want it to be in so its like bascilly trading with ur self

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RE: Need help with Porygon>Porygon2>Porygon-Z evolution - by Noodles - Jul 8, 2016, 11:52 AM

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