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[VGC] VGC 15: The threats and you. Cresselia!
(Dec 17, 2014, 05:35 PM)Justin Wrote:
(Dec 17, 2014, 05:31 PM)Rogue Wrote: No problem Sabre! You just gotta study and try your best to adapt with the meta. The funniest part of this years VGC is the people who will just stack Legendaries. Keep your ice attacks ready for the genies, and those strong bug/dark type moves for Cresselia and you'll be fine Wink Bisharp is going to have fun this year. Gets +1 attack from landorus's intimidate, and can take out Cresselia with a +1 knock off (:

Rogue, if you plan on doing more of these let's figure out a cool way to include them in the mega thread. I linked to your Cresselia write up in my OP and I'll try to do the same in the future. Maybe you can post them directly into the mega thread, or post them here and I'll try to link them. Not sure what to do! lol

I'll be doing these everyday, I didn't expect to get so much support so fast. I agree, I'm not too sure how to do this either. I like the idea of having them linked because that way if someone is looking for a particular mon, they can search for it without diving through pages. Unless there's a way for you to have my comment in the post linked? Let me know! Honestly I'll do whatever way you'd rather have it.

Messages In This Thread
VGC 15: The threats and you. Cresselia! - by Rogue - Dec 17, 2014, 05:15 PM
RE: VGC 15: The threats and you. Cresselia! - by Rogue - Dec 17, 2014, 05:39 PM

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