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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Justin's Health problems and what not.
(Dec 16, 2014, 07:45 PM)NekkoNekko Wrote: Sorry to hear of the stress and health troubles. You’re the 1st gamer, that I have actually enjoyed watching the past few years and want to express my sincere thanks for building the stream and encouraging community. As a long term Pokefan, I was thrilled to see someone my age playing Pokemon Black/White2 – and have enjoyed the ride, ever since.

Pokemon aside, you have brought awareness, kindness and a sense of belonging to the Twitch community. As a pioneer and major contributor to this online community – we are all wishing you the very, very best, (personally and professionally).

Additionally, I know you have fans and friends that would love to help with your health/financial situation. Perhaps a Fundly, or alternate site for raising funds – or adding a subscriber fee for replay... Either way, you should be compensated for your time and efforts over the years. I know there are many un-accounted for hours, and endless details that are a direct result of your physical and mental efforts.

Anywho – just a friendly message to send some hope, gamer healing love and encourage you to get some well-deserved rest and hopefully be able to seek options for treatment. Please feel free to take ample time to re-charge and heal yourself. Remember in this busy world, that the most important thing to achieve is peace and happiness. You will be in our thoughts and prayers buddy! ~ Best Wishes~

(Dec 17, 2014, 07:37 PM)JackTheRapidash Wrote: Justin, I just want you to know, you have the full support of every single one of us. No one, and I repeat no one has made me laugh as much, clench as much, and play a game as much as you. You are the best streamer, pokemon player, and shoiny hunter in the world. I hope that you feel better and can eventually return to full strength. I don't care if you go away for a week or a year, every time I get the email from twitch that says "thejustinflynn is streaming" a smile goes on my face,and what stop what I am doing, and watch.

I hope you make a full recovery.

I'll be clenching and praying to Goomy for you!

I agree wholeheartedly!

Messages In This Thread
Justin's Health problems and what not. - by Justin - Dec 13, 2014, 03:39 AM
RE: Justin's Health problems and what not. - by Rex - Dec 13, 2014, 07:09 PM
RE: Justin's Health problems and what not. - by Deadwook - Dec 18, 2014, 12:21 AM
RE: Justin's Health problems and what not. - by SCf3 - Dec 21, 2014, 01:33 PM

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