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[DISCUSSION] [FUN] Pokemon Attorney Ep 1
Case: Homicide of @wundrweapon
Please note, that this is basically a Mock Trial for fun. Play along if you would like.
You can object to the red highlighted statements. If you would like to defend the defendant, or go against them feel free to speak your mind.

Also feel free to object to any statements, to make it interesting, and to defend the defendant.

Everyone. We are gathered in this courtroom today to determine if the defendant, @Chawizawd, is responsible for the murder of @wundrweapon. Before I pass judgement, let us review the evidence at hand, and a summary of the case.

The body of the victim was found at the Pokemon Center late at night. The time of death was somewhere around 12 PM Est. The cause of death was burn wounds from, most likely, a Fire-Type Pokemon. Nurse Joy found the body slumped in a chair after coming back from her break. Her testimony states that there were only 2 People in with the victim before the body was found. These two were I, Allegro, and the defendant Chawizawd. The evidence against the defendant are as follows:
  • Evidence: Burn Wounds - The body had burn wounds all over it. This means a Pokemon that knows Fire-Type moves had to of done it. I am a Ninetales, but how could I have killed the victim if I know the following moves? Nasty Plot/Energy Ball/Dark Pulse/Disable. A janitor, by the name of @"Squeab" testifies that the floor was wet near where the body was. Could this be a clue that the victim tried to fight back with a Fire-Type move. I mean how could you burn someone with water? The victim also traded away multiple Magikarps to the defendant, which could of been the motive.
  • Final Evidence: The Motive - If the victim traded some Magikarps to the defendant, this could of created bad blood between the two users.
    (You Can Find Problems in this Testimony)
    Here is my testimony on what happened that night:
    Allegro: "The three of us, the defendant, the victim, and I were trading at the Pokemon Center."
    Allegro: "The victim traded some Magikarp over to the defendant, and a great conflict arose!"
    Allegro: "I left to check up on my Breeding Shop, and I didn't come back until after the murder."
    Allegro: "Nurse Joy and I opened the doors to see the body of the victim, burned."
    Allegro: "There is no way a non-Fire Type could of have burned the victim, right?"
    Allegro: "The Janitor, Squeab the Politoed, testified about some water around the body."
    Allegro: "They were probably from some of the Magikarps..."

Shimono Hiro!

Messages In This Thread
[FUN] Pokemon Attorney Ep 1 - by Allegro - Oct 9, 2016, 02:15 AM
RE: [FUN] Pokemon Attorney Ep 1 - by mario2750 - Oct 9, 2016, 04:53 AM
RE: [FUN] Pokemon Attorney Ep 1 - by Vinnie - Oct 9, 2016, 04:56 AM
RE: [FUN] Pokemon Attorney Ep 1 - by Frost - Oct 9, 2016, 07:48 AM
RE: [FUN] Pokemon Attorney Ep 1 - by Reed - Oct 9, 2016, 11:43 AM
RE: [FUN] Pokemon Attorney Ep 1 - by Allegro - Oct 9, 2016, 11:48 AM
RE: [FUN] Pokemon Attorney Ep 1 - by jouzea - Oct 9, 2016, 05:37 PM
RE: [FUN] Pokemon Attorney Ep 1 - by Slec - Oct 9, 2016, 08:28 PM

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