Hi Haruna I'd like a 5IV (No Sp.Atk if possible) Adamant HA Dratini (Female if possible). I'll offer 5IV Scyther (No Sp.Atk; Impish or Adamant), 5/6 IV Dewpiders (Variety of natures), 5IV (No Atk. but no HP Fire) Magnemites (Timid), 4/5 IV Bagon w/ Dragon Dance+Hydro Pump egg moves (some Adamant, others not), 5IV Jolly Magikarp, 5IV Careful Lightningrod Cubones. Lmk which you want to trade and when. Thanks!
Oh also I forgot the balls:
Scyther: Dusk
Dewpider: Net
Magnemite: Premier
Bagon: Beast
Magikarp: Luxury
Cubone: Moon
2nd Edit: Also, if you'd like, I'd be willing to trade for a 5IV Jolly Rough Skin Gible and a Jolly 5IV Mimikyu, but I'm not sure if you even need what I have to offer.
Oh also I forgot the balls:
Scyther: Dusk
Dewpider: Net
Magnemite: Premier
Bagon: Beast
Magikarp: Luxury
Cubone: Moon
2nd Edit: Also, if you'd like, I'd be willing to trade for a 5IV Jolly Rough Skin Gible and a Jolly 5IV Mimikyu, but I'm not sure if you even need what I have to offer.