(VGC 2017) Tapu Fini ( Calm Mind / Utility / Special Attacker ) Movesets
![[Image: tapu_fini_pokemon_sun_pokemon_moon_by_ta...ank43y.jpg]](http://pre06.deviantart.net/ed57/th/pre/i/2016/310/e/7/tapu_fini_pokemon_sun_pokemon_moon_by_tatanrg-dank43y.jpg)
![[Image: tapu_fini_pokemon_sun_pokemon_moon_by_ta...ank43y.jpg]](http://pre06.deviantart.net/ed57/th/pre/i/2016/310/e/7/tapu_fini_pokemon_sun_pokemon_moon_by_tatanrg-dank43y.jpg)
Deviant Art by tatanrg
Today we cover the last, but certainly not least valued member of the Guardian Deities of Alola: Tapu Fini. Some people who've already played or follow the current format notice Tapu Fini is "less used" compared to its counterparts. This might be due to the fact Misty Surge, which thus summons Misty Terrain, doesn't "boost" Tapu Fini's STAB of Water/Fairy-typing. In fact, Misty Terrain essentially blocks all status conditions on the field making Tapu Fini and other would be Status Inflicter be unable to land Toxic, Thunder Wave, Will-O-Wisp on grounded targets. Offensively, Tapu Fini has the same Special Attack stat as Tapu Koko, however again the difference in usage is Tapu Koko's respective Electric Terrain boosts its own STAB. Though these might sound like negative drawbacks of using Tapu Fini, well lets get into the positives and some noticeable things about the Tapu.
While it might not be as offensive compared to the other Guardian Deities, Tapu Fini has a rather respectable bulk of about 70 HP / 115 Def / 130 Sp. Def making it one of the most bulky Pokemon in the format. Typing wise, Tapu Fini's Water/Fairy-typing is one of the best defensive typings in the game giving Fini about six resistances, one immunity, and great STABs only resisted by a small handful of Grass- or Poison-types. Given Tapu Fini is one of the Guardian Deities, it can switch in, or be used as a potential lead to counter the opposing terrain effects. Even as a support Pokemon, Tapu Fini has enough options to assist its partners with moves such as Taunt, Swagger, Nature's Madness, and Heal Pulse. Even a potential Calm Mind Tapu Fini is strong enough to wrestle against some of the common defensive cores at the moment with proper setup and protection of threats.
Perhaps the best thing Tapu Fini offers unlike the other Tapu Pokemon is the ability to block out harmful status moves on all grounded Pokemon on the field. Though it might sound counter intuitive to say this, there are Pokemon who rely on their Status Conditions to function well and this allow potential setup sweepers to take advantage of this. Even with all the status-heavy format, note Tapu Fini is still weak to Electric-, Grass-, and Poison-type Pokemon not to mention two of them are opposing Tapu Pokemon. In sum, Tapu Fini is must be used for its defensive qualities it can provide for the team, or else it will flop like a magikarp...ok I'll leave...
![[Image: tapufini.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen7/tapufini.png)
Tapu Fini

Base Stats: 70 HP / 75 Attack / 115 Defense / 95 Special Attack / 130 Special Defense / 85 Speed



Abilities: Misty Surge - Summons Misty Terrrain which in turn is active for 5 turns. Misty Terrain blocks the effects of all non volitale or "status conditions" such as Yawn and halves the damage of Dragon-type moves for all "grounded" Pokemon.
Calm Mind Setup
![[Image: tapufini.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen7/tapufini.png)
Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 148 Def / 68 SpA / 4 SpD / 44 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Scald / Muddy Water
- Calm Mind
- Protect
-Avoids being OHKOed by a Wilc Charge or Thunderbolt LO from Tapu Koko without Electric Terrain
-Takes two Poison Jabs from Garchomp / Pheromosa without a boosting item.
-Takes two LO Psychics from Tapu Lele (without Psychic Terrain) relatively well.
-OHKOs 4 Garchomp after +1 CM Moonblast.
The goal of this Tapu Fini set is essentially to setup on things that can't deal major damage or immediately OHKO it. Given how there are passive defensive threats like Milotic, Gastrodon, Defensive Arcanine, Porygon2, Celesteela, etc allows for Tapu Fini multiple opportunities to setup Calm Minds. For those "worried" about being potential status target, well Tapu Fini has Misty Terrain to block any form of status condition for up to five turns. Note Tapu Fini can serve as a defensive switch against certain passive base teams as it can take most hits rather well with its high defenses or block status conditions. In terms of attacking options, Moonblast is the primary STAB of choice as to hit most targets with a neutral hits with the added chance for a Special Attack drop. Given this is a Calm Mind Tapu Fini set, any drops against special attacker will further allow Fini with opportunities to setup again with its high special stats. Scald might sound off with Misty Terrain preventing status but Tapu Fini can still "burn" Flying-types like Gyarados or Celesteela. Keep in mind Moonblast is far stronger a STAB option than Scald and Misty Terrain will "eventually" wear itself off over time, unless another Tapu switches in. Muddy Water is an option for hitting spread damage against the opponent with an additional 30% chance for accuracy drops. Ironically, Muddy Water can be a viability at times given it has a 15% chance to miss on an individual target. Lastly, Protect is opted to scout for an attack, better position itself for the battle, or for the gradual Leftovers recovery. Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 148 Def / 68 SpA / 4 SpD / 44 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Scald / Muddy Water
- Calm Mind
- Protect
-Avoids being OHKOed by a Wilc Charge or Thunderbolt LO from Tapu Koko without Electric Terrain
-Takes two Poison Jabs from Garchomp / Pheromosa without a boosting item.
-Takes two LO Psychics from Tapu Lele (without Psychic Terrain) relatively well.
-OHKOs 4 Garchomp after +1 CM Moonblast.
The EV Spread showcased here might be off, but will explain. On the defensive end, Tapu Fini is capable of taking one STAB LO Wild Charge from Tapu Koko (without Electric Terrain), can take two Poison Jabs from non boosted Garchomp/Pheromosa, and two Meteor Mashes from Metagross. From the special side, with only Calm and 4 SpDef EVs Tapu Fini can take a STAB LO Thunderbolt from Tapu Koko (without Electric Terrain), two STAB Psychics from neutral Tapu Lele (without Psychic Terrain), and loads of other special hits. These defensive calculations are even better assuming Tapu Fini manages to setup a couple Calm Minds or if provided with Intimidate support. The 68 SpA allows Tapu Fini to take out 4 HP Garchomp and Arcanine with the respective STABs Moonblast / Scald. The speed lets Tapu Fini "speed creep" base 80s and 85s if there's any Pokemon running investment.
To get a sense of how bulk and strong CM Tapu Fini is, here are a list of Damage Calculations with only Scald/Moonblast and its defensive investments.
Offensive Calcs
Defensive Calcs
Utility Support
![[Image: tapufini.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen7/tapufini.png)
Tapu Fini @ Leftovers
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 148 Def / 4 SpA / 76 SpD / 28 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Scald / Ice Beam / Nature's Madness
- Taunt / Heal Pulse / Swagger
- Protect
-Same Defensive Achievements
This set is similar to the Calm Mind set in terms of EVs, but note this Tapu Fini is meant to support the team with some of its utility options. As listed, Moonblast is the main STAB of choice for Tapu Fini given it hits most Pokemon neutrally. For the second slot, Scald is listed for its Water-type STAB, and to burn certain targets like Flying-/Levitating Pokemon, or once Misty Terrain runs out. Ice Beam is listed to hit Grass-, Flying-, and Dragon-type Pokemon like Garchomp, Salamence, or Tapu Bulu for super effective, though note the lack of Special Attack EVs in this set. If dealing chip damage is nessessary, then Nature's Madness is an alternative way to at least deal half or 50% of the target's current HP. Taunt is listed so Tapu Fini can prevent any form of setup from opposing Pokemon like Trick Room or Calm Mind. Heal Pulse is another cool option to for Tapu Fini as it can recover a partner's HP for about 50% and pairs well with Misty Terrain to prevent any status conditions. Finally a personal favorite, Tapu Fini can use "Safe-Swagger" on its own ally to raise their attack by two stages, though keep in mind the potential 15% chance to miss.
Offensive Calcs:
Defensive Calcs
Special Attacker
![[Image: tapufini.png]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/pokeimages/gen7/tapufini.png)
Tapu Fini @ Life Orb
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 28 HP / 236 SpA / 244 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Scald / Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam / Calm Mind
- Protect
Here's a LO Tapu Fini set to allow itself to OHKO key targets like Garchomp, Salamence, Arcanine, Krookodile, and other targets for super effective damage. For coverage options, Moonblast and Scald can serve as decent options for Tapu Fini to run to hit most Pokemon for neutral. Hydro Pump is slashed for more damage than Scald, though the the accuracy is somewhat shaky. Finally Ice Beam can be used to hit opposing Grass-, and Flying-types which can be be somewhat problematic for Tapu Fini. If the damage output is somewhat lacking, Calm Mind can be used to give Tapu Fini an extra boost to its STAB options.
Offensive Calcs:
Potential Teammates include, but aren't limited to:
- Steel Types - Covers Tapu Fini's weaknesses to Poison-types. (Ex. Magnezone, Metagross, Celesteela, Kartana, etc )
- Fire Types - Covers Tapu Fini's weaknesses to Grass-types. ( Ex. Arcanine, Torkoal, Incineroar, Alolan Marowak, etc)
- Ground Types - Covers Fini's Electric weakness. (Ex. Mudsdale, Garchomp, Gastrodon, Krookodile, etc )
- Intimidate Support - Helps with Tapu Fini's Defensive bulk (Ex. Salamence, Arcanine, Krookodile, etc )
- Dragon-Types - Can help form a Defensive Synergy and cover key weaknesses (Garchomp, Drampa, Goodra, Salamence, etc)
- Electric-types - Tapu Koko, Alolan Raichu, Xurkitree, Magnezone, etc
- Grass-types - Tapu Bulu, Dhelmise, Whimiscott, Trevenant, etc
- Poison-types - Salazzle, Gengar, Nihilego, Alolan Muk, etc
- Opposing Terrains - Tapus (Koko, Lele, Bulu) to remove Grassy Terrain. Also both Tapu Koko/Bulu can threaten for a knockout.
Other Notable Options
- Type-Reducing Berries to help Tapu Fini take a Super Effective hit.
- Choice Specs set allows Tapu Fini to hit harder than its LO set.
- Misty Seed can be used in conjuction with a CM / Defensive set
- Haze is a niche, but solid option for teams with any form of setup options such as Evoboost, CM, or Curse.
Well then, that's all the Tapus covered for VGC. Hope you all enjoyed reading my rambling thoughts and will have another analysis up this Saturday. Stay tuned.