Dec 20, 2016, 05:54 AM
Really cool idea using VoltTurn in the rain to create more opportunities to bring in Kingdra and Ash-Greninja and I can imagine how Ash-Greninja will be 2HKOing Toxapex in the rain with Hydro Pump. I can see the team falling down in terms of matchups against Electric types, particularly ones that carry Hidden Power Ice for Garchomp so how do mirror matchups against VoltTurn usually turn out for this team? Not a huge fan of SD Scizor this generation due to Tapu Lele running around and how ineffective the set is against the new metagame that seems to be very resistant against Steel (well, 50/50 because a chunk of the new Pokemon are weak to BP). Honestly I would abandon the idea of DSF for this particular team since Garchomp is just here for the rocks and add Mega Heracross over Scizor and running a slightly bulkier set so it can take hits from Tapu Koko easier. Oh yeah, since you'll be adding Magnezone, you probably won't even need Scizor anymore!
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