Jan 7, 2017, 11:15 AM
(Jan 7, 2017, 10:28 AM)wartty Wrote: one thing i notice is you could use rockhead marowak to avoid recoil from flare blitz? since your team doesnt have a huge electric problem, other then avoiding discharge
Lightningrod is the biggest draw to using Marowak at the moment. Without it, it is pretty much outclassed by things like Arcanine which provides Intimidate, higher speed, far better support options as well as flexibility in set options (can run Physical or Special, as well as a far broader set of possible EV spreads depending on the needs of the team). The ability to comfortably switch in to Koko is far more valuable than removing recoil. The first things that I see are a pretty bad weakness to Muk and an insane weakness to Krookodile. Krook destroys Marowak, Xurkitree and Metagross, OHKOs Fini with Z-Earthquake after a reasonable amount of chip damage, Intimidates Scizor and has the potential to eat an Ice Beam from P-Z (a coins flip of a chance) and just generally outspeeds your entire team besides P-Z.
252+ SpA Porygon-Z Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Krookodile: 156-184 (91.7 - 108.2%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
I'm not going to suggest member changes because really you haven't provided enough information to suggest any without an entire reconfiguration of the team. Just thought I'd say Scizor for the most part is outclassed by Kartana, with its higher speed, great matchup versus every Tapu (over Scizor which gets walled by Lele), ability to hit Gastro, double duck (while living a rain boosted Z-Hydro Pump from Modest Golduck with AV), while still having the option of SD if you really value it that much. I don't understand you dropped your only reliable STAB on P-Z in Tri Attack for Thunder. Like I actually haven't got a clue. And just generally the team composition doesn't seem to have had much thought. I don't feel like you've put too much thought about how well the members synergise together and how well they matchup versus common leads/cores/archetypes. At least that's what I gather from your descriptions.
Also Misty surge doesn't boost the power of fairy moves.