(Feb 20, 2017, 08:18 PM)Sonicboomer27 Wrote: IGN: Matthew
FC: 1891-1184-5089
Pokémon: B1 - 2,2 - Pikipek (♀) - Jolly - Keen Eye - - Dark [2497]
Hey again Zhakien, I just had to get this last Pokémon I wanted from your giveaway. By the way am I allowed to get a Pokémon from this giveaway even though I participated in the one on Gamefaqs already?
LOL Yes you are because this forum need new members. XD
Prof. Z at your service!
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)
TSV: 2377(S), 2577(M), 3639(M2)