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[IMPORTANT] The September Meet and Greet - The Back To School Beat
[*]Which version of the virtual console re-releases do you want to get, Gold or Silver? Gold Version because Ho-oh
[*]What's one new feature that you want to be included in Ultra Sun and Moon? I want Triple Battles back
[*]What non Pokemon game do you think everyone on the forums should play? I think I'd have to recommend Fire Emblem Awakening, if you're new to the series, Awakening is a great option to get you started, fantastic story and memorable characters.
[*]Is there anything you'd like to see from us in the future or anything that you'd like to suggest to us for the site? I think it'd be a good idea to have a Pokemon Showdown ID Master Thread
[*]Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question! Ok, @Sharkfang2193 you're up. What, if any, is you're favorite anime?

Ty for the plug.
@Reis The October Meet and Greet - Time To Trick Or Treat

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RE: The September Meet and Greet - The Back To School Beat - by Kris - Sep 18, 2017, 06:58 PM

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