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[IMPORTANT] The September Meet and Greet - The Back To School Beat
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  • Which version of the virtual console re-releases do you want to get, Gold or Silver?
    I actually don't plan on getting the virtual console. The graphic quality messes with my head. I got a migraine last time I fiddled with that. But I'm sure I'll see plenty of my friends playing it.

  • What's one new feature that you want to be included in Ultra Sun and Moon?
    Aside from pokémon following you, I want them to fix Battle Royal. Ending it after one player loses all their mons is SOOOOO bad. Nintendo! Hear our plead! Fix our FFA mode!

  • What non Pokemon game do you think everyone on the forums should play?
    Why, Okami of course! My namesake isn't for show! It's a beautiful game, and terribly underrated. It's not particularly hard to find either because of all the unsold copies after its debut launch. Find your version and play through Nippon in the most stunning art style, interact with fun characters, and play the role of the goddess Amaterasu as she defends her people from the darkness consuming her land!  Big Grin

  • Is there anything you'd like to see from us in the future or anything that you'd like to suggest to us for the site?
    I still think a thread specifically for International Trades is a good idea. Make of that what you will.

  • Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question!
    I'm used to @-ing people, so today I think I'll @ user @PiaStark. Your question is:

    Do you prefer battling in Singles, Doubles, Triples, or Rotation, and why? I'm a Doubles man myself.
- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 

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RE: The September Meet and Greet - The Back To School Beat - by 0kamii - Sep 18, 2017, 08:42 PM

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