Jun 25, 2018, 01:06 PM
I mean what are we talking here? 3 Justin sized caterpies but like what are their moves?
Do they know Tackle? because ive been tackled by a 5'7" man child before and its not as fun as it sounds... but then these Justin sized caterpies? He's a loose cannon, does his hair take into height? Because if Justin has 8 inches of hair and is only 8 inches tall then technically hes just a caterpie sized big foot.
BUT in the end id fight them both
at the same time
In a cage
see that cage over there? I bet I could beat it up
But back to the question at hand, Yes N is the best pokemon champion and if you dont agree with me I have 3 Justin sized Caterpies ready to fight
Do they know Tackle? because ive been tackled by a 5'7" man child before and its not as fun as it sounds... but then these Justin sized caterpies? He's a loose cannon, does his hair take into height? Because if Justin has 8 inches of hair and is only 8 inches tall then technically hes just a caterpie sized big foot.
BUT in the end id fight them both
at the same time
In a cage
see that cage over there? I bet I could beat it up
But back to the question at hand, Yes N is the best pokemon champion and if you dont agree with me I have 3 Justin sized Caterpies ready to fight