Jul 25, 2018, 07:22 AM
Thank you for the tips! I appreciate it.
@Tenebris_Kane I know about the wormholes, I got a lot of spoiling for this game before, but at least the plot of the game hasn't been spoiled and that's good!
@0kamii Yeah, I kinda saw that too, pokemon seemed slower to me too.
@DoomBlade I'll keep that in mind!
@TheAlmightySancho Absol is a favourite of mine too.
@Tenebris_Kane I know about the wormholes, I got a lot of spoiling for this game before, but at least the plot of the game hasn't been spoiled and that's good!
@0kamii Yeah, I kinda saw that too, pokemon seemed slower to me too.
@DoomBlade I'll keep that in mind!
@TheAlmightySancho Absol is a favourite of mine too.