Hey, everybody! I'm still 0kamii, and I carry on the tradition of tagging fourish, probably unwilling, users and seeing if they reply. It's all in good fun, so let's get the discussion started by tagging users: @PerfectPenguin7, @Hexapin, @gkh1997, and new users @Hikikomari and @DrumminBeard. Your QOTD is:
What is your favorite Ultra Beast, and what is your favorite way to use it?
Remember to keep it rated-G, and start discussion with each other, not just me! Looking forward to what y'all have to say!
- 0kamii
What is your favorite Ultra Beast, and what is your favorite way to use it?
Remember to keep it rated-G, and start discussion with each other, not just me! Looking forward to what y'all have to say!
- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder