Jan 17, 2015, 01:35 PM
(Jan 17, 2015, 01:08 PM)Skarric Wrote: Reason
After noticing that many powersavers and genners in Justin's replay channel, TheReplayFlynn, are typically backed up with requests, mods in the community agreed that we should form some type of queue and request thread to help keep track and alleviate these concerns.
Demand, Schedule
Powersaves are generally a highly sought out request on TheReplayFlynn. We're looking for volunteers so we don't necessarily have a set amount of time for people to help with powersaves (i.e. you must help 53287987389 hours/week in ReplayFlynn) or a set schedule for people to help (i.e. being assigned on Mondays, Thursdays, Oreodays). It'll be up to how much time the powersaver/Pokegenner wants to dedicate to helping out the community.
We do prefer active people in TheReplayFlynn and we may discuss a schedule in the future with the replay-powersaving mods but I personally don't believe a concrete schedule is necessary.
Ideally and initially, we just thought of the powersavers/Pokegenners filling out a queue of requests just so things are more organized and our current powersavers would not be too overloaded.
Estimated Time of Release
We plan on executing this service in the very near future, but we also need the help of reputable Powersavers / Genners for TheReplayFlynn. This thread will be linked from Twitch.tv/TheReplayFlynn
Information About Queue Thread
A group of mods and I will discuss how many people will be needed and any other future changes to this system. Details will be PM'd to those chosen and will be revealed to the public when we've decided the team of powersavers/genners.
Replay > Forum
Please keep in mind that this thread will not coincide with forum requests. These requests are specifically from chatters/viewers in TheReplayFlynn, but may be open to other crowds in the future.
If you would like to apply, please post here. Thank you
(You will also need to swear allegiance to #TeamReplay)
id be down for this :p