Jan 20, 2015, 07:17 PM
(Jan 20, 2015, 07:05 PM)NiteWolf90 Wrote: I'm interested in your service an want to get a Snorlax bred for my vgc team. It has be a Snorlax with impish nature, thick fat ability. An has to have a five Iv spread no need for the Ivs to be in Sp.atk but if their is it's cool also. I need Snorlax to know the moves stockpile, rest, crunch, an power up punch. It's ev spread HP:156 Def:252 Sp.Def:100. I hope I filled this out right if you need be I have a Snorlax with 5 Ives. Just not in the right spots an the right nature an ability if it helps.
Nature : Impish
Ability: Thick Fat
Iv spread: 6 spread, but if not possible a 5iv spread. HP:31 Atk:31 Def:31 Sp.Atk:0 Sp.Def:31 Spe:31
Ev spread: HP:156 Def:252 Sp.Def:100
Move set:
Power-up Punch
Maybe this works out better
this is how i want it done this helps me alot