So ive ran into a bit of a problem, i want to learn my audino telekenisis however this move where only aviable on a tm (as far as i can read myself to) in black and white, audino can only learn by tm, is there anyway to get my audino to black and white learn her telekenisis and trade her back into oras? i also do not own black and white so anyone can do this for me? ._.
I also did a mistake on my golduck, so if anyone have any pokemons knowing hypnosis and sychronize (moves) that can breed with psyduck/golduck i would like to trade for those pokes, since i need those moves on my golduck ;/
I also did a mistake on my golduck, so if anyone have any pokemons knowing hypnosis and sychronize (moves) that can breed with psyduck/golduck i would like to trade for those pokes, since i need those moves on my golduck ;/