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How does Powersaves change datas?
Powersaves do not effect the legitimacy or whether the pokemon is legal or not. I mean sure some people dont like it and think its cheating the game but it isnt cheating. Cheating in pokemon is really these couple of things:

-Battling with over 255 evs or having max evs in every stat. The game wont let you battle if the pokemon has more than 255 evs.

-Pokemon having illegal abilities, such as sturdy shedninja or Sap Sipper Swampert: Powersaves can only change abilities the pokemon has (I havent figured out how to do that so i breed for Hidden Abilities anyway)

Powersaves dont effect whether a pokemon is legal or not and if you go to any pokemon event, that is run by the company such as a regional, national, or world event they can not tell if the pokemon is powersaved or not. Plus powersaves save a lot of time for people that are too busy to soft reset for legends breed for hidden powers or just breed in general. Plus nintendo allows these items to be sold at gamestop ( or Eb games if youre outside the US). Some people frown upon the use of Powersaves but i can tell you it is alot easier. plus it isnt like genning, I still have to ev train for any evs except for 252,126,63,30,4,2,and 1. Powersaves arent illegal or effect the legitimacy for pokemon and can be used legally. If the game doesnt say the pokemon is illegal than the pokemon is legal.
"Oh good, he isn't mod anymore"



Messages In This Thread
How does Powersaves change datas? - by Apo - Apr 7, 2015, 02:59 PM
RE: How does Powersaves change datas? - by Apo - Apr 8, 2015, 01:21 AM
RE: How does Powersaves change datas? - by Slec - Apr 8, 2015, 09:51 AM
RE: How does Powersaves change datas? - by Apo - Apr 8, 2015, 11:07 AM

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