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[IMPORTANT] How to bring the hype? What do you want to see?
(Jun 22, 2015, 11:40 PM)GingerxPug Wrote: Hm... If I had to bring up one thing, that would be a LITTLE bit more TCGO. I think with TCGO we could do some sorts of trades on there, whether it'd be Packs, cards, heck even coins. Also, people could bring up their own good, fun, or unique Deck strategies to the table, allowing for people to make easier teams if they cant think of something with what they have. Well, that lil speech wasnt bad, right? Kappa

I don't know anything about the card game, but I'm willing to learn to branch out to that part of the community. Is there an online place to play, like showdown?

(Jun 23, 2015, 12:54 AM)GMX Wrote: To answer your questions @Rogue: i don't know.. i mean, i still don't know if this summer period will either bring more active members or not, so i would not force yourselves into a project which can possibly waste your time.

I'm talking as a member of the Competitive section of this forum when i say that i don't feel the need of anything in particular: we are organizing tournaments, there is hype for the US National meta and there will be much more to discuss about pre-World Championships metagame, but i can understand you want to do something also for that part of the community which is not interested in the competitive side of this game.. and i would be glad to help you if only i had any idea.

What makes you come to this site?: I'm fond of this community and i wish i could have been here since X Y period, where i suppose there were much more active and funny members i've never had the pleasure to meet. Well.. if there is something i would really like it could be Justin coming back strongly for the next Pokemon game to bring a new flow of members and activities for this amazing community.

Justin will come back. Next time Naitre and I get on skype with him we'll force him to come back. But nah, I'm sure he will. The move + recent behind the scene events are very time consuming for him.

I come here because I love the community and want to help everyone. There were a lot of really great members in the x/y days. Justin was really funny too, we watched him learn while streaming. But I promise you, streams will be back and you'll get to meet these people again.

I also like the stream idea. Naitre and I are upgrading our internet and I plan on streaming smash 4 all the time when that happens.
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.

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RE: How to bring the hype? What do you want to see? - by Rogue - Jun 23, 2015, 10:53 PM

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