Jun 29, 2015, 07:44 AM
(Jun 26, 2015, 09:25 AM)naitre Wrote: If anything about the Pokemon is illegal, you won't be able to use them in BattleSpot. Some common problems that arise when people alter or hack Pokemon are:
- Putting egg moves on a Pokemon that was caught and not bred
- Putting Dream World or Event abilities on a Pokemon that was not caught in the proper location
- Saying they "caught" a Pokemon in an area that the Pokemon cannot be found in-game
- Putting event-only moves on a non-event Pokemon
- Allocating more than 510 EVs to a Pokemon
I have found the best way for me to make sure my pokemon adhere to all the above mentioned qualifications is to: 1) Powersave Gen the pokemon I want 2) breed that pokemon with a ditto. 3) take the freshly bred 'mon and use powersaves to give it proper IVs, EVs, Nature, Ability, and Moveset. (Powersaves now allows you to modify moves and abilities).
This does not work for legendary pokemon that cannot breed. You need to get a legit one first then modify. I.E. I have OR so i cloned my Tornadus, traded it for Thunduras, and then Modified Thunduras with Powersaves.
I would also note that there are a couple more things that *could* disqualify a genned mon.
* The met at level is incorrect. (i.e. a genned Thunduras met at level is 10 not 50)
* Having an unreleased hidden ability on a mon
* Having a mon in a pokeball that it is impossible to have been caught/bred in.