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Lets talk powersaves
Ok i wasn't going to post here because i didn't want to start any debates shall we call them and i've made my own thoughts relatively clear in my 2000 word essay on the topic. So i'm going to start out again by saying if you want to powersave i'm not going to blame you or stop you, i just don't think people should be bring powersaved pokemon to any official VGC tournaments (regionals, nationals, worlds etc). Mostly because if you don't have time to get the team legit don't go to a tournament with a team that you know is against the official rules its not fair to those who do obey them and the use of powersaved/hacked mons in tourneys reflects badly on the entire vgc community and its future as an e-sport.

So why did i post well i was intrigued when i read that nintendo apparently approved powersaves, i didn't believe this so i read the label and well what i found surprised me, i found this in the small print in the bottom center.

"This product is NOT sponsored, endorsed or approved by Nintendo or any representative owners."

Well i assumed it may well be a misprint on this particular image so i went and got the small print from powersaves online manual it says this:

"3DS is trademark or registered trademark of NINTENDO in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Powersaves 3DS is a 100% unofficial product and is NOT sponsored, endorsed or approved by NINTENDO, nor any games developer or publisher."


Well that's exactly what i originally believed so i tried to find an official statement from nintendo on them sadly i didn't fine anything other than the official vgc rules, so my interpretation of it is they are fine with it existing otherwise they would have probably sued for the use of likenesses of their characters to advertise the product (the actual product itself is not illegal, using it on a 3DS might be against nintendo's ToS but they can't sue datel for what you do with what they sold you). Anyway back on topic Nintendo are allowing powersaves to exist but don't want them used competitively.

My other post contains alot of information and stats i spent a long time putting together so i'm not going to repeat it here (here's a link), but the general gist was that powersaves can actually give a notably competitive edge for legendaries and event pokemon but not for pokemon you can breed, trust me give it a read if your even slightly interested.

Anyway i'll leave it at that, hope you guys have fun and just remember to not bring any powersaved mons into official vgc events, would hate to see anyone in the community get banned from competitive play as a result. Smile

Edit: added source
Winning a Pokemon battle is not so much about being a step ahead of your opponent but rather being 2 steps behind them

Messages In This Thread
Lets talk powersaves - by Slec - Jul 18, 2015, 08:37 AM
RE: Lets talk powersaves - by evilsabre - Jul 18, 2015, 10:24 AM
RE: Lets talk powersaves - by richardthehuman - Jul 18, 2015, 09:31 PM
RE: Lets talk powersaves - by AbruptFury - Jul 19, 2015, 12:26 AM
RE: Lets talk powersaves - by Snowpoint - Jul 19, 2015, 06:16 PM
RE: Lets talk powersaves - by A#1DukeofNY - Jul 20, 2015, 01:37 PM
RE: Lets talk powersaves - by CheatingZubat - Oct 1, 2015, 09:36 AM
RE: Lets talk powersaves - by Reed - Oct 1, 2015, 01:05 PM
RE: Lets talk powersaves - by Shachi - Oct 8, 2015, 09:19 AM

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