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The Current VGC Format Actually Rewards Cheating.
"I'm not going blame players for powersaving not everyone has the patience to SR but until Nintendo and gamefreak solve the issue i feel people should at least be sportsmanlike enough to not take powersaved pokemon into competitive events as it just reflects badly on the community as a whole."

I liked your post. It was thought out well and doesn't attack people for using Powersaves.

I'll use myself as an example for how it is a clear advantage. Last Friday i built a full team from nothing (IVs, EVs, items, natures, abilites, everything) and was playing on battle spot in 3 hours. I'll add here that the highest I have ever made it on the ladder is 1685, so clearly it's no substitute for skill or a deep understanding of the game. Something I lack.

But a few questions? How would anyone know if I brought my Powersaved Landorus to an event? Could I not just say I got it from SRing? Who is going to ask? Would everyone just assume anyone who brought a legendary used a Powersaves? You can change IV's, so you can even make a powersaved mon look legit by lowing a few of the IVs to 1/0 or by simply not fully EV training it. I fully support only allowing breed-able pokemon in VGC play.

As has been mentioned before, there are good reasons to Powersave. I am 30, work a full time job (40-45 hours a week), I'm in the middle of planning my wedding, and adore spending time with my wife to be.

I also love competitive VGC play. Here was my dilemma: Powersave competitive mons or not play at all. While you do make a case for how powersaves hurts the community, there is a flip side. How would it affect the competitive community if everyone out there in my situation stopped playing?

If you believe there would be no effect that's fine. Just something to think about. A growing vibrant community tends to focus on bringing people in. Not keeping them out. This is a good reason for Gamefreak to find a way to solve the problem. If Gamefreak made it easier/ less time intensive to play competitively without powersaves, I'd jump on it. Right now Powersaves is the resource I have.

To quote The Dark Knight: Powersaves is the solution we need, but not the one we deserve

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RE: The Current VGC Format Actually Rewards Cheating. - by A#1DukeofNY - Jul 20, 2015, 01:13 PM

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