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The Current VGC Format Actually Rewards Cheating.
i feel the problem is not powersaves, its the game itself. a real competitve game won't ask you to spend more time preparing for the competition than actually playing (Hello League of Legends, Dota2, CS:Go, FIFA, Fighting games etc etc)
and all these games use the game only, you don't bring your own datas, you can't cheat. pokemons are just line of codes, it will always be possible to be hacked, sooner or later.

the solution is to make it easier to get what you need. replace IVs with more EVs, or juste something to change the DNA of your pokemons while in eggs, or when the parents mate KappaHD (Hello Jurassic World) an item that can be bought in the story mode (with $ so you have to PLAY to get them) or by earning points with online battles. makes Synchronize 100% chance. who expect someone to spend hours hitting left and right on the 3DS just to hatch one good pokemon? :P

we are humans, not brainless corpses. and right now Pokemon is not designed to be a competitive game, if Nintendo/GameFreak want it to be, it need to change, else players won't.

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RE: The Current VGC Format Actually Rewards Cheating. - by Apo - Jul 21, 2015, 03:31 PM

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