Sep 4, 2015, 09:00 AM
This isn't huge, but I think people forget about this aspect of M-Sableye: on the turn (and only on the turn) that Sableye Megas, he keeps the prankster effect and gains Magic Bounce. This is because prankster acts like speed in that it is decided at the beginning of the turn.
I just got screwed by this on Showdown. I led Gengar/Liepard (parish trap) and went for a parish song / taunt. Sableye evolved and my taunt bounced back AND Sableye's taunt hit Gengar before he got off is parish song.
So for weather disruption it could work given that the opposition leads with a weather setter and he leads Sableye and goes for a Sunny day turn one or some other such scenario. Is it 100% reliable, No, but if the opponent isn't excepting it it could work.
I just got screwed by this on Showdown. I led Gengar/Liepard (parish trap) and went for a parish song / taunt. Sableye evolved and my taunt bounced back AND Sableye's taunt hit Gengar before he got off is parish song.
So for weather disruption it could work given that the opposition leads with a weather setter and he leads Sableye and goes for a Sunny day turn one or some other such scenario. Is it 100% reliable, No, but if the opponent isn't excepting it it could work.