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welcome people on the strategy breaker here with your host  adolf hipstar who's going to be taking you through some common strategies and how to break YES!destroy them!BOOM!
the most annoying thing is a seeing a ninjask with speed boost and swords dance settingup for like 3 turns then baton passing to a damn heatran or bulk-ier blissey who is more deathly than kangaskhan's baby-minikhan.
there are several ways to beat this strategy such as
-get pranksters and people who can break effects such as magic bounce,etc.they will always help you like that moment when you used stealth rock and the opposing espeon had magic bounce which wasted a move and your precious flying pokemon their life and most importantly you the pokemon battle.

2-is that guy actually using that pokemon?! oh i got this one in the bad!crap! oh damn he's good!what?!no!venusaur!
so pretty good name huh?well never underestimate your opponent,take sejun park for example the guy got a cute little ferret and won the worlds cuz of it.
i know that this ain't necessarily a strategy but still i'm gonna put some pokemon.

come on now tell me you ain't got a mega kangaskhan in your team or the pc.well you know what?screw kangaskhan
we're here to discuss the necessary pokemon such as snorlax and tauros.
hold on!
tauros has definetely gotta be the most underrated pokemon in the game and even after ash ketchum won the championships using him,people don't like him!
this multi tailed bull has got some very balanced stats but it has one big big disadvantage,i ain't gonna learn any good moves itself.but hold on,thats where the TMs KICK IN.bring it to a high level and teach it powerful elemental moves such as fire,ice,electric,water and ground and it will be virtually indestructible.come on guys i really love this pokemon and i hope i'm inspiring people to use it right now.

again now with mega kangaskhan screwing around with drain punch and power up punch  but this ain't bout him!
the best fighting pokemon which is extremely extremely underrated is hit hold on it's not hitmontop!it's hit no!not hitmonchan too!
it is hitmonlee!come on i mean the guy is a disciple of bruce lee!hitmonlee has got speed,hp and attack stats to punch the living crap out of all fighting pokemon.
amazing arsenal and what's there not to love?!

best thing bout ground pokemon is that they can learn dig another really underrated move.the best pokemon is
gosh you people love him!
it's either dugtrio or golem.
dugtrio is amazing with the arena trap ability,golem has amazing power and defense but really bad speed.
golem can do some serious damage mixed with either a choice band or a normal gem.
things get scary if you think bout 252 atk golem with normal gem using explosion.
252+ Atk Normal Gem Golem Explosion vs. 180 HP / 76 Def Mega Venusaur: 113-133 (63.4 - 74.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Normal Gem Golem Explosion vs. 48 HP / 128 Def Thundurus: 163-192 (101.8 - 120%) -- guaranteed OHKO

ummm.... uhhhh...well i'm thinking,i'm thinking,i'm thinking,i'm thinking
got it!
they look really awesome hold on!oh dang it!
sorry bug types you're just not VGC  approved Sad

this part goes to serebii for helping me
Grass Pledge + Fire Pledge
Moves Required: Grass Pledge & Fire Pledge

When you use the move Grass Pledge and then the move Fire Pledge during a Double or Triple battle, the move will combine and create a field of fire which causes small amounts of damage to your opponents each turn.

Fire Pledge + Water Pledge
Moves Required: Fire Pledge & Water Pledge

When you use the move Fire Pledge and then the move Water Pledge during a Double or Triple battle, the move will combine and create a a rainbow over the battle area. This move increases the likelihood that any secondary effects will occur when your Pokémon use moves

Water Pledge + Grass Pledge
Moves Required: Water Pledge & Grass Pledge

When you use the move Water Pledge and then the move Grass Pledge during a Double or Triple battle, the move will combine and turn the field into a swampy moor style area which lowers the speed of your opponent's Pokémon..

this is underused thank god for it hear me out.
belly drum+psych Up
both of them get max attack.

defense curl+roll out for x2 damage.

oh my god check this out!
mind reader+sheer cold
first using mind reader results in sheer cold being a OHKO move.

this one is wicked!
first use disable to deactivate the move,then you should have a pokemon with shadow tag or arena trap inside then use encore or imprison for your opponent being stuck on struggle!

forst use swagger on your opponent then use screech as they get their damage but defense down so you get what i'm sayin?!they hit themselves to death with the defense drop too!

thanks for reading! leave some  rep if you like it!
-adolf hipstar

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STRATEGY BREAKER!#1(UPDATES REGULARLY) - by adolf hipstar - Sep 17, 2015, 12:03 AM
RE: STRATEGY BREAKER!#1 - by adolf hipstar - Sep 17, 2015, 02:05 AM

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