Sep 30, 2015, 11:34 PM
ryok Wrote:Hey, Sorry. Was a little busy yesterday. Will let you know when I'm online today :P Thanksnygma2 Wrote:Hey, I've been wanted to try out ferroseed, may I have one? I've only recently got myself a 3DS and hence haven't gotten into breeding yet, so I dont think I will have anything really valuable to give you.
I can give you Pokerus though, if you'd like that?
Either way could you just add me as a friend? I wanna increase my friend safari collection.
FC: 4485-1512-7876
Sure thing! That's no problem at all, don't worry. Pokérus would be nice. :3
I'll all your FC any second from now. I've got a few other trades going on, but after that, I'll register you. :p
Edit: Added you! Aaaand I'm online again! :3