Oct 11, 2014, 08:22 PM
(Oct 11, 2014, 08:20 PM)MARSxVenom Wrote:(Oct 11, 2014, 08:09 PM)Skarric Wrote: So far I've played Pokemon LiquidCrystal, Pokemon Snakewood, Pokemon Light Platinum, Pokemon BlazeBlack, Pokemon BlazeBlack 2, and Pokemon RubyDestiny.
If you guys want an upgrade in difficulty for the Gen 5 games, I definitely say pick up the BlazeBlack or VoltWhite games. I honestly prefer BB/VW over their actual counterparts. LightPlatinum and LiquidCrystal were also very good games for their time, but I haven't played them in over 2 years and I know they've been updated.
In regards to Pokemon Fangames, I've played Pokemon Zeta, Pokemon Reborn, and Pokemon Fusion Generation. I wholeheartedly definitely recommend all three of those games. Zeta/Omicron is one of the best Pokemon fangames in existence currently, with features that would attract any Pokemon fan, including Shadow Pokemon, Mega Evolutions, Nuzlocke modes, becoming a gym leader, and much more.
isnt omicron still a WIP?
Zeta/Omicron were officially done back ~5 months ago I believe. There's a patch to fix up any bugs but it's been considered finished for quite a while. Suze (the creator of Z/O) is currently working on a new Pokemon fangame called Pokemon Insurgence though!
[align=center]Started by apeing gates, touching Triforces, and blaming Levi
Now I'm here with a fancy sword, smiling at all the burrito chokes, the blue shells, and the shiny catches.
Now I'm here with a fancy sword, smiling at all the burrito chokes, the blue shells, and the shiny catches.