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Pokemon Fanmade Games / ROM Hacks
Favorite ROM Hack
For all you Touhou fans, play Touhoumon. It replaces all Pokemon with various forms of Touhou characters (while adding/changing moves and types) and it is equally weird, awesome, and adorable.
[Image: r7lohg.jpg]
The most confusing part is that there's SEVERAL version of Touhoumon all made by different people and on different game versions. The one I played the most is Merry's Version, but I assume they're all worth while. =P

Favorite Fan Game
You get a freakin' Eevee that can switch between evolutions at will. Enough said. Now, the part that some of you may love or hate is the fact that the battle system is completely different. It's sorta like the ATB system for the early Final Fantasy games.
[Image: 07yKwk5.png]
You can have multiple Pokemon out at once, tons of moves, and mana instead of PP. The story is really interesting too. If you want something Pokemon-themed but completely different for a change, I recommend trying it. It's free and a quick download, so why not?

Runner-up: Pokemon Zeta/Omicron like everyone else is going to mention, but it's really as good as others say. ;P
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Messages In This Thread
Pokemon Fanmade Games / ROM Hacks - by Skarric - Oct 11, 2014, 07:42 PM
RE: Pokemon Fanmade Games / ROM Hacks - by Skarric - Oct 11, 2014, 08:09 PM
RE: Pokemon Fanmade Games / ROM Hacks - by Skarric - Oct 11, 2014, 08:22 PM
RE: Pokemon Fanmade Games / ROM Hacks - by Skarric - Oct 11, 2014, 08:25 PM
RE: Pokemon Fanmade Games / ROM Hacks - by Agro - Oct 11, 2014, 08:26 PM
RE: Pokemon Fanmade Games / ROM Hacks - by Skarric - Oct 11, 2014, 08:32 PM
RE: Pokemon Fanmade Games / ROM Hacks - by Skarric - Oct 11, 2014, 08:33 PM

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