Dec 18, 2015, 02:23 AM
(Dec 17, 2015, 02:50 PM)Swimmingpenguin791 Wrote:I can trade you both for your Raichu and Glaceon(Dec 17, 2015, 08:37 AM)wolfogo010 Wrote:Yes all of those Pokemon you listed are male(Dec 16, 2015, 03:31 PM)Swimmingpenguin791 Wrote: I want that Manetric or theor the weavileAre the Haxorus, raichu, Glaceon and Flygon male
I don't have any of those Pokemon but I have:
Shiny Magikarp lv 100 in masterball
Shiny Espeon lv 100 in pokeball
Shiny Jolteon lv 100 in Ultra Ball
Shiny Glaceon lv 100 in Master Ball
Shiny Leafeon lv 100 in pokeball
Shiny Haxorus lv 49 in Great Ball
Shiny Gengar lv 45 in Great Ball
Shiny Golett lv 32 in a green , black dotted ball with orange line
Shiny Bellossom lv 52 in Ultra Ball
Shiny Raichu lv 100 in pokeball
Shiny Roggenrola lv 21 in Great Ball
Shiny Flygon lv 76 in Net Ball
Vaporeon lv 100 in pokeball
Staravia lv 33 in Ultra Ball
Loudred lv 39 in pokeball
Exploud lv 43 in pokeball
Shuppet lv 30 in Ultra Ball
Mawile lv 30 in Master Ball
Noctowl lv 50 in Pokeball
And that's all I have up for offer!
Hopefully u pick one