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[DISCUSSION] Pokemon bred with (possibly) hacked parents in official tournaments?
Hey, guys!

So...I've been browsing the net for answers but couldn't really find anything tangible on the matter: 
Is there any statement from TPTB regarding Pokemon (aside from that one youtuber who has an alleged statement from the Pokemon Support Team) that have been bred with hacked parents? The reason I'm asking is, most of the time when you receive a Pokemon via GTS or Wonder Trade, there's no way to tell if it's been generated with PKHex or whatever. Unless it has an otherwise unobtainable HA/movepool/Pokeball/etc, of course.
Anyways, I'm breeding a Rowlet with a Japanese 6IV Ditto (obtained via GTS trade) rn and I have my doubts about whether or not it's been hacked. While I (personally) don't care, is there a way to know whether or not it would pass the electronic hack check for Gen 7 tournaments? Just wondering considering it would be nice to know if all the hours put into breeding that 5-6IV shiny are for naught if I ever wanna compete with it, lol. I have read the VGC rules btw but I still feel like it's kind of a grey area unless there's something I missed?

(PS: I know about the infamous Dream Ball Aegislash but I was specifically wondering about Gen 7 and if there are new hack checks)

I really hope this is the right forum to ask this & please feel free to let me know/redirect me if this has already been discussed before!

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Pokemon bred with (possibly) hacked parents in official tournaments? - by vaporeonite - Dec 3, 2016, 05:06 AM

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