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PokemonForever Somewhat-Weekly News Thread (Forum/Games)
Star Wars Battlefront E3 Gameplay Coverage WIP

The Star Wars Battlefront series has been a way for alot of Star Wars fans from all the movies to enjoy there favorite moments and play as a fan favorite character, Emperor Palpatine,Luke Skywalker,Darth Vader,Etc,Etc. Now after a couple years and so on, its here! SWBF3!

This video is taken from EA's horrible E3 press conference since they spent so much time on sports games and kept this till the end, But it starts on the desolate ice world of Hoth where the player is running through Echo Base to get to the hanger bay to fight the Empire to start a game of Star Wars style of "Uplink"

The game looks gorgeous at this point and seems to run smooth, and the details of the map are noticeable quickly, the map seems to have been altered a tad for this game/gamemode, Adding Imperial Ships and seems to have moved Echo Base from its original location.

The gameplay swaps to a Imperial PoV, having them charge to the Uplink station to take it over, in the bottom right corner you can see multiple thermal detonator types as it looks like, and the final one looks like some type of special weapon. It again swaps PoV back to a Rebel and shows TIE Fighters flying above the player, showing the power up unlocking itself and a AT-ST appearing to attack and destroyed by the new type of rocket special weapon, "Smart Rocket" it then shows the AT-ST falling and the Rebel begins to cap the Uplink Station so Y-Wings/TIE Bombers can assist whatever faction you play as. It swaps to gameplay of a AT-AT which hasn't seemed to change from SWBF2 but it shows that you can set a Orbital Strike, Which is a Air Strike that comes from the factions Capital Space Ship thats in the planets atmosphere, can be placed from inside a vehicle.

It again swaps to a Rebel PoV, this time showing off the Alliance's Snow Speeders, Famous for taking out the AT-AT's with a chain the attaches to the walkers legs, showing you can transfer from 1st person to 3rd and the other way around at anytime, But the Speeders take out the AT-AT, then it swaps to a rebel on the ground, this time with a Blaster Rifle, with a bit of snow on top of it which is a nice touch, which could hint at Classes returning instead of getting stuck with one standard set of guns.

It swaps to the gameplay of a TIE Fighter and gives a look at how it fires, etc but gives us a Cockpit point of View aswell, but tells us X-Wings are going to be on Hoth aswell, As we see a quick glimpse of one. Then it goes back to the ground, with a Rebel Soldier with a type of Blaster, I do not recognize and shows that hes Rodian later on and it goes to a trooper getting Force Choked by none other then Lord Vader then it swaps to Luke Skywalkers PoV showing off his Force abilities and blocking blaster fire with the famed Jedi weapon, the Lightsaber then Luke charges at his Father with his Saber and begins a duel.

-Reporter Pod

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RE: PokemonForever Somewhat-Weekly News Thread (Forum/Games) - by Podfighterninja123 - Jun 25, 2015, 11:38 AM

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