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Who has been playing since Red/Blue/Yellow?
(Sep 28, 2015, 02:40 PM)klutzz Wrote: Ah the memories through these post. I started with Yellow with my good old Green Gameboy Colour which is still in better condition than my gameboy advance & SP.  I have more or less played all generations except X and Y. Fondest memory from that time has to be me getting a lvl 100 snorlax despite only having one badge. All it did was sleep, surprise surprise. of course my little brother had to go and erase that data.

Dood. Dat "nintendium". I'm convinced that nintendo found some kind of meteor materials in the 70's that they didn't run out of until around the time of the gameboy advance sp. Because they were nigh indesrtuctable. #aliengameboys #illuminaticonfirmed XD

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RE: Who has been playing since Red/Blue/Yellow? - by bradar485 - Sep 28, 2015, 02:55 PM

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