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New Here! + Offering To Gen Pokèmon By PKHEX
Umm.. Hi! I'm Deko. DekoCat.
So.. By the title, I'm new here... I don't know what this site is, but I know you can interact with Pokèmon players and offer Mons to one another...
Then there's me.. Who.. Hasn't been here since 2013..
But! I'm assuming that you're here for the Genning part right..?

I am a professional, not really professional, but really fast, and exellent at Genning Mons using PKHEX. If you would like to request an offer, please do.
I don't usually give out my FC, so please PM me or DM me over on Instagram. I'm rather shy...
So. Comment:
The Pokèmon You Request:
Move Pool:
Shiny/Non Shiny:
Pokèball (What Pokèball you want your Mon to be in?):

I'll PM you when I'm done! And When I am, deposit a random Pokemon onto the GTS for the Pokemon I'm giving to you! If you can't, arrange a meeting on Pokemon and I'll think about it :D

That's it! I know that this won't get as much attention.. I knew that from the start...
Thank You! Have a great day!



Q1: How fast can you Gen Mons?
A1: 2-5 minutes for each Mon...

Q2: How many requests are you taking in?
Q3: About 5-8..

Q4: Do we have to PM you?
A4: Yeah.. Sorry..

Q5: Is this a giveaway?
A5: Nah...

Q6: Why are you here? This is not for shy people. :/
A6: I'm sorry..! I'll leave!

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New Here! + Offering To Gen Pokèmon By PKHEX - by DekoCat - Aug 19, 2016, 12:04 PM

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