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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona (also other SMT related franchises)
(Nov 18, 2014, 06:36 AM)theanimal189 Wrote: Like I said I've never played Persona 1 or 2, just heard about them. Do you recommend them? I may try them out via emulator or something lol. and yeah, I just beat SMT IV yesterday and got the chaos ending, I'm focusing on Nocturne now then I'll play Digital Devil Saga

OK, about this... I cannot recommend Persona 1 as I have not played it, but I can definitely recommend the Persona 2 Duology, like I said it has IMO the most interesting and deepest story in the entire sub series, although sometimes the combat can be slightly odd in the first game if you aren't playing the PSP remake, I've only played the Fan Translation of the first game in the Duology and the second game, however... whether or not you're playing on PSP, it has overall improvements to that system. The second game in the Duology is the only with an official release outside of Japan on the PS1 at least. Both game in the Duology are available for PSP however... the second game is digital only. Sorry for the long post.  :P

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RE: Shin Megami Tensei and Persona (also other SMT related franchises) - by zenophobia - Nov 18, 2014, 01:28 PM

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