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[ANIME] An Anime that I highly recommend
Pretty much :P
@Luffy  The Devil is a Part Timer is fantastic.  I loved that show back when I watched it, definitely warrants a rewatch.  I've been watching "Grimgar of Fantasy & Ash".  Really interesting so far, but kind of sad.  It's a cool take on the "trapped in a game" genre, imo.
@Tharsin It really is and it certainly does warrant a rewatch. I heard about Grimgar a while back and I really wanna watch it but I need finish other shows before I start. I have my list of animes that I watch but I can't watch multiple series at the same time. I'm lowkey OCD like that, lol, I just gotta finish a season or however many episodes of one anime before I start another. I didn't know Grimgar was a "trapped in a game" genre, that's cool to hear - seeing as how I liked Log Horizon, Sword Art Online & No Game No Life, I'm sure I'll like Grimgar :]
@Luffy I suppose technically i have yet to find out if they are trapped in a game, or if it is more like a Konosuba type situation.  Either way, it's still an interesting take on the genre.  NGNL is a huge favorite of mine.  So sad that we are waiting so long for season 2 of that when other shows are getting season 2 much faster (One Punch Man, Food Wars (both of which I love)).
@Tharsin The way NGNL season one ended... like damn, you're really gonna stop there? Idk whether season two is confirmed or not but hopefully we get it one day because it's a huge favourite of mine too. Food Wars speaks to me like no other anime. I love food and I love cooking, just perfect. OPM is just fuckin' golden. Two great shows.
@Luffy I heard something about NGNL season 2 getting approved about 6 months ago, but not a peep since.  The "Fate/Stay Night" series is my favorite.  I am so stoked for the Heaven's Feel trio of movies coming out next year to wrap up the series. Also the Fate/Extra anime coming out next year by Studio Shaft should be great!.  Speaking of Studio Shaft, I am a huge fan of Bakemonogatari and it's sequels.  Hilarious
@Tharsin NGNL is still producing light novels to this day I think so there is more than enough content that can be animated but I won't get my hopes up.

I didn't know what "Fate/Stay Night" was until I came across this a couple years back I really wanted to watch this back then but never got around to it. Didn't have enough time. Hopefully this summer maybe. I have this friend who keep telling me to watch all the Monogatari series so there's that as well. So much anime so little time. Sigh ;[
I know right?  I have a notebook full of show i need to watch XD  If you do watch Fate, make sure you start with the Studio Deen 2006 version of Fate/Stay Night.  The animation quality isn't the best compared to Fate/Zero or F/SN UBW (the most recent one that came out)  But the story for all of them is amazing.  I'm just about through with the last path of the visual novel and it's fantastic.  The Monogatari series is amazing and wierd and funny, and extremely dialouge driven.  So many great characters...  (Nadeko or Karen-chan =best girl for monogatari, but Rin Tohsaka from F/SN is #1 waifu for life! lol)
Haha, you should see my nootbook about manga let alone anime. The list is never ending I'm telling ya :| 

2006 version, right, thanks for the tip. I'm not too concerned about the animation. As long as the story is good I'll be fine. I also heard it was a visual novel too. I wanna try that out also. I enjoy VN's. I've only played/read two in my life time (I'm not sure if you'd know them) but I enjoyed the hell out of them. I'm certain I'd like a FSN VN.

Monogatari series extremely dialouge driven? Sounds like my cup of tea :]

I googled Rin Tohsaka and she's got that girl next door vibe goin' on. 

[Image: tumblr_ni5b7hBQmI1qbvovho1_500.gif]

I can see why she's your #1. She's hella beautiful.
HEY @Luffy Watch oregairu
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