Mar 30, 2017, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: Mar 31, 2017, 06:32 AM by Megamage101.)
Hello Colette!
What I'm looking for is a Mega Sableye that will be a very menacing tank. I want this to be bred please
Pokemon: Sableye (Mega)
Gender: Please Female
Nickname: Amethyst
Shiny: No, because people accuse of illegitemacy if shiny
IVs: The important three are DEFENSE, SPECIAL DEFENCE, and HIT POINTS. After that, I would prioritize Speed, then Special Attack, and I do not care about attack at all. If you are only able to influence the first three, that would still be grate.
Nature: Bold
Ability: I would prefer Prankster, but if you cannot obtain that it is fine.
EVs: 240 Hp/ 212 Defense/ 56 Sp. Defense
Level: 100/50
Moves / egg moves: Recover is a needed Egg move
Could you also make it a perfect replica of the 2016HOOPA event?
I know I am asking for a lot, but I am sorry for the hastle.
I don't know if you can change the OT or the ID Pokemon, but if you can please set its
OT: Alexander
ID: 10036